In compliance with The Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. Chapter 66 & Chapter 4, Section 7(26)), every person has a right to access public information.
In order to assist our members and those members of the public with inquiries for public information within our custody, the following guidelines apply:
- All requests for public records should be directed to Padraic Lydon, the Plymouth County Retirement Associations’ Records Access Officer.
- The Records Access Officer can be contacted at (508) 830-1803, ext. 132 or via the “Please enter your Question or Comment” box provided within this page.
- Although not required, all requests for public records should be submitted in writing. This ensures that our office accurately and completely understands and fulfills your request.
- All requests for public records should include a reasonable description, a reference to those specific records being requested, a time period for the requested information, and any other conditions to aid our collection of this information.
- Under some circumstances, the Plymouth County Retirement Associations may assess a reasonable fee for the production of public records.
- Public records in our custody maintained by the Plymouth County Retirement Associations include, but are not limited to, records contained within the following areas:
- Actuarial
- Audit
- Investments & Compliance
- Legal
- The Plymouth County Retirement Association is committed to maintaining transparency and is working to increase publications and the function of our website to facilitate more self-services for our members and the public. These efforts are ongoing, so please check back for future publications and materials. Please click here to submit your requests.